Categories: Business Coach/Advisor
JDSM Enterprises
12050 Vance Jackson, Suite 102
San Antonio, TX 78230 USA
[email protected] (Main)
[email protected] (Sales)
About Us: We are entrepreneurs passionate about helping other entrepreneurs get the most out of their businesses through timeless proven systems. We choose the best processes and tools to help with Clarity, Accountability, and Growth. First, we help create Clarity with owners and leadership teams on their vision so they are aligned and working towards the greater good. Second, we facilitate Accountability through discipline and increased responsibility for ownership of actions towards the common vision. Third, we move our clients towards personal and business Growth as a result of intentional behaviors that lead to desired repeatable results. We believe that this country is founded on the backs of entrepreneurs who put things on the line to improve lives. Our passion is to see your passion become reality!
Contact Person: Don Maranca - President / Kelly Shy Maranca